Norway Vesteralen Spring 2006 

Day 5, fishing, driving, hiking, eating, hiking again...

Fishing in the morning, driving west following the 820 to Sund in the afternoon, eating fish in the evening (remember the fishing in the morning) and hiking to the north overlooking the Gavle fjorden near Holm... nothing but sea between here and the north pole...  Visit:

Marten owns one (by now probably 2) fishing boats, living at the Gasfjord, catching your dinner is just a 'dinghy ride' away...

The water is incredibly clear, you're looking approximately 3 meters down here...

Marion looking forward to get on board...

And Bamse is disappointed to be left behind...

A view at the 'Bril residence' from the fjord...

Marten enjoying the life of a Norwegian fisherman...

Following the 820 to Krakberget and Rise takes you though this scenery

We've reached Sund and try to round the Sundsasen and Skata on the west...

 We loose the track, so we choose to relax and watch the sea eagles and the Mainesfjorden 

East along the 820... (Annfjorden) 



<- Stopover at the Eidsfjorden...



Dinner, caught in the morning, consumed in the evening...  Oh, by the way, it's true, fresh fish does not smell... (i.e. stink) and it tastes great!

After dinner walk with the Bril family to the Gavle fjorden near Holm... nothing but sea between here and the north pole...

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This page was updated July 20, 2006

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